The Challenge

We worked with one of the world’s largest insurance agencies to help them develop an entire digital strategy from scratch. Aside from a basic website they had no digital footprint. Everything was still being done at the branches or through agents. We knew that if they wanted to stand out, they needed to go far beyond the basic purchase and claims features that other insurance providers already provide online. So we worked with them to create a mobile-first customer experience that would bring people back to the app on an almost daily basis, something that doesn’t happen in the insurance world. As insurance is a highly regulated industry, with many legacy technology systems and issues we had to work closely with people from all over the organisation from Actuaries, to IT, and Claims Processors up to the CEO to ensure that we captured all of their considerations in creating this new digital experience. We ran numerous workshops to first capture their inputs and then later capture their feedback on the solutions and ensure that they were within the realms of the regulators and other limitations that the client faced.

The Outcome

After completion of our project, the client was able to use our output to pitch the concept to the international HQ. The pitch was successful and they subsequently received substantial financial support (8-figures) to implement the project full scale.

Key Insights

There is a big gap between a vision and the execution of that vision. The first step in bridging that gap is to add details to the vision to make it more tangible. Going digital with a new app is the vision, but before you can start building the app you need to understand what it would actually look like? How would it function? What are the key features and journeys that need to be included? 

It's only when you start digging down into the details that you begin to uncover obstacles, questions and challenges that must be overcome and answered before you can move forwards, and this is often where the real innovation happens.