The Challenge

The local logistics company is quite a forward-thinking SME. They had already developed an internal system that digitised and linked their customer orders, operations and accounting teams. The issue was that it was unusable from a user perspective. There was no Information Architecture (IA) for the front end so everything was jumbled up and messy. Even their internal team who were experts in the process found the new system interface confusing. We used a Design Sprint to help them identify the key challenges the customers, operations, and accounting teams face when processing orders. We used this to create an all-encompassing IA that took into account the key workflows and how they integrated with one another.

The Outcome

As an output of the Design Sprint, we created a prototype of the new IA with an accompanying new interface design and tested it with the users from Image Logistics. These designs were then passed to the developer to implement.

Key Insight

The owner of the logistics SME is a quite remarkable and forward-thinking business owner. He already had the foresight to see the importance and impact going digital could have on his business. They were just lacking in the final execution because it’s not something they are familiar with. It was a great feeling to be able to give them that extra 10% that they needed to complete their journey (for that project at least, they already have other digital initiatives lined up).