The Challenge

United Voice is an NGO committed to the advocacy and empowerment of people with learning disabilities. To supplement charitable donations they also sell products hand made by their members. These products range from cakes and cookies, arts and crafts, to various handicrafts using saori weaving. When we first worked with and discussed running a remote design sprint for them they had several various challenges they wanted to address. Ultimately, they were able to narrow down on wanting to create products that are sustainable to produce and provide consistent demand. However, as we went through the process it became clear that the challenge wasn't the sustainable products but instead the irregular cycles of demand. They would get some ad-hoc sales each month and some large corporate sales every so often. This made it hard for them to plan their production and inventory management. Together with their team, we prototyped a solution that would generate consistent, sustainable demand. We tested it with real customers and even had some ready to purchase.

The Outcome

Shortly after the Design Sprint they launched the solution live to everybody.

Key Insights

Working with United Voice was a real joy for us. We ran this Design Sprint in August 2020 and they fully embraced not only the process but engaging in it remotely. Today, almost 4-years later, the solution that we created together is still live and creating greater consistency for United Voice's product demand.Learn more about United Voice