Innovation is not about technology, it's about problem-solving, and this story is a great reminder of this.

Meet Alfredo Moser and he brought ? to the world!

Moser was fed up with constant power cuts in his native Brazil so he created an ingenious and simple solution, the Moser Lamp, or bottle lightbulb.

Using just a bottle of water and some bleach his invention creates a brightness equivalent to 40-60 watts.

If you remember back to your physics class you'll recall that light refracts when it hits water. This is the same principle that Moser leveraged for his innovation.

When the sunlight hits the water bottle from the top it refracts down through the water and into the space below.

The bleach prevents mould from forming in the water.

These lightbulbs are easily installed into roofs using glue or sealant and are cheap to produce.

They make indoor spaces usable during the daytime without relying on intermittent electricity or burning fuels. They also create jobs for the people who install them.

This innovation has been installed in countries all over the world and usually last 4-5 years.

Hundreds of thousands of families have saved money on electricity and fuel, yet Moser didn't become rich from his innovation. He saw it as a basic right for people.

"It's a divine light. God gave the sun to everyone, and light is for everyone. Whoever wants it saves money. You can't get an electric shock from it, and it doesn't cost a penny." - Alfredo Moser

This man deserves more recognition in the world, let's shine the ? back onto him.